
Please read this document carefully. AERANOVA PTE LTD, 202401403K, capital of USD 1000, 151 Chin Swee Road #02-24 Manhattan House, Singapore (“Aeranova", “Aera” or "the Company"), its subsidiaries and its team shall not be deemed as bearing any liability for direct or indirect damage or loss whatsoever, that you may encounter in relation with accessing its ecosystem, products, projects, websites (such as joinaera.com and thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, the whitepaper, or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company. Nothing herein constitutes legal, financial, tax advice and you shall seek your own legal, financial, tax or professional advice before engaging in any activity set herein. The present terms and conditions shall be read together with other important proposed documents of Aera. 

The information set forth in the gitbook, the whitepaper, the website or any other materials published and/or provided by the company is given without any guarantee of preciseness/completeness and shall not be considered exhaustive or as intended to provide an adequate basis for an investment decision. This information does not constitute a contractual offer, a binding content for future participants nor a recommendation or invitation to make an investment in an offering of securities in any jurisdiction. The attainability of the mentioned goals is linked to many external factors. In particular, due to the uncertain evolution of blockchain technology and regulations, this information is subject to constant change and may be changed and modified discretionary. The Aera ecosystem, products, projects, websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, whitepaper, or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company do not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation of any security or other regulated product or service, or any other third party regardless of is mentioned in the mentioned information. You are solely responsible for determining whether any participation or membership in Aera is appropriate for you based on your personal objectives, financial circumstances, and risk tolerance. In purchasing Aera products and/or tokens, you accept to participate and to obtain services from the Aera ecosystem and team. Participants to the Aera project are aware and acknowledge that technology, blockchain, cryptocurrency, crypto, virtual currencies include real risks and do not offer any guarantee of returns but essentially risks. Aera (the Company), its subsidiaries and its team therefore formally do not promise or guarantee any returns. 

Aera and its subsidiaries shall not be considered as an advisor in any legal, tax or financial matters, nor as a registered broker or financial entity. The full functionality of the Company’s proposed ecosystem and tokens is not yet complete, and it is given without any assurance of such completion - that may take longer than expected to achieve. Legal authorities may take decisions or create new regulations impacting Aera business. In such an event, Aera users and token holders understand and accept that Aera will adapt its business model, terms, privacy policy and disclaimers discretionary. In this case, Aera, its affiliates and team shall not bear any liability related with any loss or damage caused by such events. Buyers and users of Aera tokens, products and services understand and acknowledge that despite Aera efforts to properly manage its business and its development, there is no guarantee of achievement. There may be a fatal flaw in the platform code, unanticipated fatal errors in the ecosystem or token, lack of demand from the public in any other proposed operation, catastrophic sales, bankruptcy. The company, its proposed ecosystem, and token may also fundamentally change as the circumstances develop. Any malfunction, flaws, breakdown or abandonment of the dedicated Blockchain or key partners (ie. the protocol or exchange/trading platform of the Aera token) may have a fatal or a material adverse effect on the company’s planned business and operation, resulting in the bankruptcy of the company or in the end of all its activities.

No information contained in the Aera ecosystem, products, projects, websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, WP, or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company is intended to advise you personally concerning the nature, potential, value or suitability of any cryptocurrency or any other matter. There is also no guarantee that Aera company will deliver on the contents set forth in such aforementioned information provided by the company. The development or deployment of the proposed ecosystem and token may fail, be abandoned or delayed for a number of reasons, including lack of funding, lack of commercial success or prospects, or for any internal or external cause. This information herein and/or provided by the company may be outdated and is obtained from sources believed to be reliable. Aera users and token buyers are considered having sufficient experience in the technology, blockchain and crypto spheres to perfectly understand and accept the risks here related. Before buying our products or participating in our tokens purchase events, participants shall seek professional advice. Any person interested in purchasing or using Aera products, tokens and/or services who do not accept or understand above risks should refrain from acting or participating in any manner related to. Aera, its affiliates and team will not be held liable or responsible for any loss or damage in this regard or caused in reliance upon information contained herein in the Area ecosystem, products, projects, websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, whitepaper, or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company. 

Aera tokens are non-refundable utility tokens dedicated to serve as a medium of access, engagement, gamify, and utility governance to the ecosystem. Aera tokens shall not be confused with any other medium of payment for goods or services or debt, in other cases as its use-cases as utility token of the Aera ecosystem. Aera tokens owners bear no other rights than the right to use Aera tokens within and for the Aera ecosystem. Aera utility tokens are not a security, commodity, or any other kind of financial instrument under any relevant jurisdiction. They have no intrinsic value and they are not intended to be purchased for purely speculative reasons, but are envisioned to be a token for the Aera ecosystem. Aera tokens are “utility tokens” that do not represent shares or confer rights to dividends, interests, or profits regardless of their nature, nor any right in the decision-making/process/operations/strategy/business of Aera. Thus, Aera tokens shall not be registered under the Securities laws of any country. Accordingly, the offering of Aera tokens on an exchange/trading platform shall not be considered as having the consequence to change the legal qualification of the Aera tokens. The sale/purchase of Aera tokens is final and non-refundable. Our token is envisioned to be based notably on the Ethereum and BNB blockchains; this may be changed and modified discretionary. 

It is the sole responsibility of buyers and users of Aera products, tokens and/or services to verify compliance with the laws to which they are subject at any time, particularly legal restriction that may impeach them from participating in the token sales. By participating in the Aera token sale events, you acknowledge, understand and agree that Aera may have no value, there is no guarantee of liquidity for Aera tokens. In this regard, none of the Company, their respective affiliates, and/or the Aera team members shall be responsible for or liable for the value of Aera token, its transferability, operability and/or liquidity as well as its availability on any market that will happen via third parties. Besides, you also acknowledge, understand and agree that you are not eligible to participate in the distribution of Aera tokens if you are a citizen, national, resident (tax or otherwise), domiciliary and/or green card holder of a geographic area or country: where it is most probable that the distribution of Aera token would be characterised as the sale of a security, financial instrument or service, or investment product and/or, where participation in token distributions is prohibited by applicable law, regulation, treaty, or legally binding act (including without limitation the United States of America and the People's Republic of China); and to this effect you agree to achieve all the Company identity verification process when requested.

As regards the secondary market or exchange for trading Aera tokens, it would be operated on an independent basis and not by the Company or its affiliates, that will not create it. 

By accessing the Area ecosystem, product, project, gitbook, WP, or any other websites/part of the website or materials published and/or provided by the company, you shall be deemed to have understood and acknowledged that the Aera company, its affiliates and team hereby disclaim all representations, warranties or commitment to any entity or person (notably in relation with the reliability of the information contained in the WP or the website, or any other materials published by Aera and affiliate); to the maximum extent allowed by law, Aera, its respective affiliates and service providers shall not be liable for any losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including, without limitation, any liability arising from default or negligence on the part of any of them aforementioned, or any loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data) arising from the use of the Area ecosystem, project, gitbook, the whitepaper, or any other (part of the) websites or materials/contents published and/or provided by the company or otherwise mentioned in relation with. 

All this information provided or otherwise mentioned by Aera is solely and purely for guidance or informational and educational purposes and does not constitute any binding commitment. Aera participants, buyers, users, and holders shall not rely on this information in deciding whether to participate in any Aera activities, including but not limited to, any token purchase, events, distribution, membership. The Area ecosystem, products, projects, websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, whitepaper, or any other (part of the) websites or materials/contents published and/or provided by the company or otherwise mentioned in relation with may be amended or replaced with time (the latest versions are available via the Aera website).

No regulatory authority or body has analysed or approved any of the information set out in the Area ecosystem, product, project, gitbook, WP, or any other (part of the) websites or materials/contents published and/or provided by the company or otherwise mentioned in relation WP or the Website. The Company has no intention to carry on such actions under any laws, regulatory requirements or rules of any jurisdiction. The publication and distribution of this information shall not be deemed as a guarantee of compliance with laws, regulatory requirements or rules, which is not.

All statements contained herein, statements made in press releases or in any place accessible by the public and oral statements that may be made by the Company, its team and/or affiliates are not binding in any form whatsoever and shall be deemed to reflect only their personal opinion, without any intent to incur any undue or legally binding reliance upon their statements. No independent third party has reviewed the accuracy of any such statements. 

The use of any company and/or platform names or trademarks herein (at the exception of those related to the Company or its respective affiliates) does not incur any affiliation with and by any third party. Any references to other legal entities used in the Area ecosystem, project, gitbook, the WP, or any other (part of the) websites or materials/contents published and/or provided by the company or otherwise mentioned in relation is for illustrative purposes only.

In the event of any inconsistencies between the Terms and Conditions and the websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, whitepaper or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company, the Terms and Conditions shall prevail. The English version of this information shall prevail in the event of conflict or ambiguity between different language versions. 

No part of the Area ecosystem, products, projects, websites (joinaera.com, thesunflowerapp.com), gitbook, whitepaper, or any other websites or materials published and/or provided by the company is to be copied, reproduced, distributed or disseminated in any form without the prior written consent of the Company.

By using Aera ecosystem, platform, tokens, websites, social media, products and/or services duly confirmed to be issued and managed by the company, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and accepted the present document of “terms & conditions”, which latest version is available on the Company website.